Somewhere in late 2022-early 2023, I was contacted by another creative asking if I'd be interested in taking on an apparel design project that they had come across. Of course, I said Yes. As fate would have it, the contact, an active Marine, knew and worked alongside my older brother in the Corps a few years prior, so we hit it off and set out on what has now been a couple of years of collaboration on his apparel line called, OLS Gear. OLS stands for "Own Lane Sh*t" and the idea is that if you stick to your own lane, only good will come out of it and you'll progress along the way. It's mainly an underwear brand similar to PSD, Ethika, etc. 

Anyway, the first set we did, we focused on what we called "city" themed pieces and those were heavily influenced by the sports teams in the city and/or local street art. I had a few designs that were more street art influenced but we ended up going with the "psychedelic" checkerboard looking one instead. 

As usual, I managed to squeak in some custom lettering with the bubble graffiti style lockups. I also made all of the patterns (repeats) from scratch too.

Most recently, we decided to remove the city names and just let it be a generic but loud, colorful piece vs locking ourselves into the local motif. 

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